Friday, May 30, 2008

Piccolo Spoleto Outdoor Art Show - Friday, 5/30/08

Well, it seemed I missed the high drama (though, maybe not sales) at the Art Show yesterday during my "rain day." According to Victoria Platt Ellis (Vicky), PSOAE Co-coordinator, we had a bomb scare at our corner yesterday - a suspicious metal box left on our Meeting & Calhoun corner. No one knew how long it had been there, but an hour passed and no one came for it. It was carefully observed by Artists Tate Nation and Richard Johnson, and, according to Richard, it didn't tick or make any kind of sound. The suspicious box was marked "dremel." The police came out, put on the gloves, opened the box. It was, thankfully, not a bomb. Only a drill.

Artist Kevin LePrince was at the Park yesterday but manufactured his own "rain day" at home. He turned on the water in the bathtub, answered the phone, got involved in the conversation, forgot about the bath and flooded his entire apartment. (Anyone who is an artist can understand how easily this can happen...) It is still drying out as we blog.

The good news is that Kevin is the owner of Rick Reinert's oil demonstration yesterday. The subject matter was Kevin's tent. Think about it - gray day, white tent. I think it might be a mood painting...

While I was engaged in the conversation about demos and rain days, a downtown florist delivered flowers to all the artists whose tents are close to Janice Waring's tent - below is a picture of Janice and the "Piccolo Spoleto Outdoor Art Exhibit Flower Guild 2008":
This is Janice's first year in the Art Show, and the flowers were her gesture of thanks to these artists who've been so helpful to her this first week. Here's Janice in front with the other artists. It was a great surprise to Kathy Clark, Roberta Byron, Diane Odachonski, Tammy Papa, Laurie Meyer, Honor Marks, Rick Reinert and Kevin LePrince (as you can see, he's already on his cell phone calling his friends to let them know about the flowers).

As you can see more clearly in the following photo of Janice and her good friend, Anne Cogswell Burris (my classmate from high school who is sporting the sunglasses and Starbucks), Janice has given new meaning to fashion for a 16-day Outdoor Art Show in 80-100 degree temperatures with the humidity off the index of late May, early June in Charleston, SC. Check out the (1) pearls (they're real), (2) izod alligator, (3) Coach "...leading American designer and maker of luxury lifestyle handbags and accessories, including..." shoes and, last and probably least, (4) $29.00 skirt from Belk's:


After a day in the park, I headed over West Ashley for the Crown Arts, Inc. Karate Awards. Here is my oldest niece, Ashley Whaley with her new Green Belt:

and, wouldn't you know it, I walked in and sat right down in front of another artist in the Piccolo Art Show, Melinda Lewin, who was there to see her Little Ninja, Zachary, get his yellow belt:

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