Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fragrant Offering

Original Mixed Media Collage
15" x 11"
Wednesday night Worship Painting
Doublematted to 22"x28" and Framed for $250.00

Flowers, especially roses, have come up in images, thoughts and dreams in the last few days, and I wanted to do something a bit different than just paint "a rose" in watercolor or acrylic at the worship service this evening. My thought processes, especially in relation to the worship art, are rarely linear and logical. At some point today, the phrase "fragrant offering" crossed my mind and resonated inside me, and I went to a bible concordance for the scriptural use of that phrase and the word "fragrance." I took many of the scripture verses, put them in a font and size I felt would be appropriate for the background and printed them on acid-free paper. At church before the service, I tore the edges and glued the papers to a piece of gessoed 300 lb watercolor paper and left them to dry until the service started, then blocked in the rose with watercolor and painted in acrylic, rubbing out and using the paint thinly to keep the words readable.

It occurred to me right before the service began that this was about the third time I've experimented with media and new techniques during the worship service, and perhaps it might be smarter to try it out beforehand to make sure it works...but this always occurs to me way too late. The good news is that there is a great amount of freedom and encouragement from the leadlership at St. Andrews to step out and risk.

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