The downfall of rain started last night and was heavy when I woke up so I just went back to sleep. Ran some errands between intermittant rain and went down to Marion Square and opened around 3:30 pm. A good number of artists had opened around 11 a.m. and stayed throughout the day. I put my poles on and they work great - this started because Tim Greaves (an artist right across from me) is also an attorney in Greenville, SC so his wife, Georgia has tent duty all week long and he drives down for the weekend - here they are below:
Since Georgia needed to fold up the sides of the tent by herself, a friend of theirs, Gregg Anderson, attached the poles to Tim's tent, and all it took was for one of us to notice what an easy time Georgia was having with the sides, and I immediately went and told Carol who then went and told Hilarie (see the previous post). Good ideas spread like wildfire through an art show. Thank you for your idea, Gregg:

1 comment:
Hi Mimi, Its Terry (Rodgers) Tried to get into this year's
festival in February but found out I had to sign-up
in December. Such is the case when city hall takes over the festival.Was a real bummer as I wanted to show the works I'd done while in Europe. Wanted to bring you gardenias but haven't made it out due to having a bad cold all week. Better today (Saturday) but Luanne and I are going up to Columbia for my father's birthday. May come by Sunday the last day if we get
back in town in time. On the way to Lake Murray today we're going by Stoke's and picking-up our
new car. Yipee! Do miss you want to stay in touch.
Hope you sold a lot this year. Have seen practically
nothing in the Piccolo promos about the outdoor
art festival but such has always been the case :
although every little Piccolo comedy sketch etc.
gets plenty of promotion. Will stop my bitching now
(silly since I'm not even part of the group anymore).
But wait till next year......next year. But all is well
with Lu and I. We've been back in the states since
Christmas. Luanne is still based in Chicago and
traveling the world. Going back to Europe myself
a couple of times myself this fall. I've got so many
photos, art books etc. to show you and lots of tales
to tell. Tell everyone I said hi and hope to see you
soon. Love, Terry
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