Saturday, June 9, 2012

Piccolo Spoleto Outdoor Art Exhibition 2012 - Day 16, LAST DAY, Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Skies are Smiling for Last Day of Art Show
Come on out to Marion Square 10:00-6:00 Today!

It's been a great show and lots of fun - one of the best things about the show is the people - the artists, the friends, the people we get to visit with each year and the new people we get to know.  And we celebrate the successes of our artists and our friends. One of our artists of many years, Floyd Gordon, is being honored in Atlanta, GA on September 28, when he will be inducted into the HBCU (Historical Black Colleges and Universities) National Hall of Fame in the field of Art.  Floyd was chosen among the alumni of the (over 100) colleges to be so honored in the field of Art.

Floyd Gordon with one of his recent oils in Marion Square

1 comment:

Michel McNinch said...

What a great blog Mimi. Thanks for recording our "production." Very nice.