Monday, September 17, 2012

2012 Edisto Island Tour Artist Exhibition

Christ Church
Adams Run, SC
14x12" Framed

Christ Church, Adams Run was organized in 1835, and I believe this is the first time it's been a part of the Edisto Island Historic Preservation Tour.  The exterior reminds me of Trinity at Edisto where I grew up; it will be interesting to see whether the interiors are similar.  During my childhood on Edisto, our minister, Waites Haynsworth and his wife, lived almost across the street from this church, and he held services on Sundays at three Episcopal Churches - Christ Church, Adams Run, St. Pauls, Meggett (which merged in 1962 to become Christ-St. Pauls, Hollywood) and Trinity on Edisto.  Our congregation was small, and I imagine the others were, too, but he still had to do a lot of driving on Sundays!

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