Monday, June 3, 2013

Piccolo Spoleto Outdoor Art Exhibition 2013 - Sunday, June 2, 2013 - Day 10

New Director
City of Charleston Office of Cultural Affairs
Scott Watson

There is probably at least one "Scott sighting" a day in Marion Square- whether he's walking through the Outdoor Art Exhibition, heading to the Farmer's Market or just taking a shortcut through the park to get where he's going. This is his first Piccolo Spoleto as Director of the Office of Cultural Affairs, and I'm sure he's on the go most of the time - yet always with a mind to what's working, what's working well, what's not working as well as it should - he's not only a man of ideas but also a man of action, and that's a winning combination!  

Rarely does anything unfold exactly the way we've planned it on paper - I think you have to be "on the ground" to see where adjustments need to be made.  For instance, each year when the map is laid out and numbered for the Outdoor Art Exhibition, it really looks great (just  look at the back of this year's Piccolo Spoleto Festival Booklet).  However, it's still just a map.  When the team comes out to mark the spaces, we can't follow the map perfectly because the map doesn't show where tree branches might intrude on a tent top and possibly rip it, etc. We have to work around the reality of the landscape and make adjustments.  And I think the same thing happens with any program for the festival - the concept, the logistics, the goal of a program can be put forth, studied, tweaked and accepted but it's still important to see how the program works in reality.  So we appreciate Scott being "on the ground" and "on the go" to continue the excellence of the Piccolo Spoleto Festival and to make it even better!


Craig Williams

 Monnie Johnson

Chris Rutigliano's Birds - In Progress

Enjoying the Shade
Artist Detta Zimmerman, husband Delbert and daughter Sheila

Enjoying the Sun
Artist Madison Latimer, aka "The Chicken Lady"

And...ANOTHER $100 Challenge Issued to Scott Henderson!
Another Big Buck

However, Henderson declined the new $100 Challenge with these words, "$100 is SO yesterday..."

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