Sunday, April 6, 2014

Promoting Kingdom Creativity Conference - The Finish


Last night St. Andrews, Mt. Pleasant with Karitos Charleston hosted Promoting Kingdom Creativity Part II with keynoter Matt Tommey. Matt really is an inspiring speaker and gifted individual.  He spoke on the marketing process to the artists, musicians, potters, writers, jewelers, craftspeople and other interested persons gathered in the Ministry Center.  Besides his artistic career, he also hosts The Worship Studio, which includes a plethora of resources for creatives!  We were honored to have Matt at St. Andrews and look forward to seeing him again soon.

My painting last evening, "Hope", was inspired during a meeting yesterday morning.  I feel that when  we each operate in the gifts God has given us, we allow him to flow through our art. As a result, our creative endeavors bear fruit and bring hope.

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