Sunday, June 1, 2008

Piccolo Spoleto Outdoor Art Show - Sunday, 6/1/08

More friends came by today, even "The" Hat Lady, Archie Burkel, with Hat Husband, John and their Friend. Archie has been instrumental in bringing hats back into style here, and at the same time mobilizing The Hat Ladies into volunteering and making a difference in our community. She and John are "doers" and whatever you're involved in with them, it's fun!

Cathy Boette, the Paralegal Coordinator for Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough (where I work 30 hours a week) celebrated her 25th Anniversary with NMRS (Congratulations, Cathy!) today by driving from Columbia and meeting her sister from Georgetown, Sally Swineford, for a day of Spoleto, art and shopping. We all had a great visit, and my next trip through Georgetown, SC will find me dining at River Room, Sally's restaurant at 801 Front Street in Georgetown.

Sally Swineford and Cathy Boette:
It must have been "sisters" day because a little while later Patty Dhooge from Nelson Mullins came with her sister, DeeDee:
All the sisters came by before the weather became miserably hot. We artists spent the rest of the day trying to keep cool:

Some freshened up and re-arranged their booths, like Sabine Alvacade:

Some sat around visiting each other, like Leslie Johnson and Jane Jackson:

Some snoozed:

Some painted:
All eventually went home to air conditioning. I think I was out of the park by 5:05 pm!

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